+44 (0)1322 552 000
100GBASE-ER4 40Km with FEC, SMF, QSFP28 Optical Transceiver
100GBASE-ER4 40Km with FEC, SMF, QSFP28, Industrial
100GBASE-ER4 40Km with FEC, QSFP28, DML Industrial Optical Transceiver
100GBASE-ZR4 80Km, SMF, QSFP28 Optical Transceiver
QSFP28 ER-4 40Km Dual Rate
QSFP28 LR-4 10Km Dual rate
QSFP28 SR-4 100m Dual rate
40GBASE-SR4 Optical Transciever 300m
40GBASE-ER4 Optical Transciever 40Km
Red Blue Band Splitter
Ribbon Cable 8ch
Ringer-2200 Rack Mount kit