CMD In/Out distance teleprotection module with 4 inputs and 8 outputs, +/-110 VDC, electromechanical relay output
CMD In/Out distance teleprotection module with 4 inputs and 8 outputs, +/-110 VDC, electromechanical relay output, IEEE 1613 Class-A/Level-1
CMD In/Out distance teleprotection module with 4 inputs and 8 outputs, +/-110 VDC, solid state relay output
CMD In/Out distance teleprotection module with 4 inputs and 8 outputs, +/-220 VDC, electromechanical relay output
CMD In/Out distance teleprotection module with 4 inputs and 8 outputs, +/-220 VDC, solid state relay output
CMD In/Out distance teleprotection module with 4 inputs and 8 outputs, configurable voltage, electromechanical relay output
CMD In/Out distance teleprotection module with 4 inputs and 8 outputs, configurable voltage, solid state relay output
The Kenton Group
Blue Space, Sus Con
Brunel Way
Kent, DA1 5FW
+44 (0)1322 552 000