kenton group stand 56
Connected Britiain

Best of the Exhibitors and why we think they are worth a visit

....well our nerdy team thinks they are!

We’ve all been there, navigating the maze of stands at a show, searching for the solution. Your team needs to advance the business, or worse, miss a stand you could have seen and engaged with but never knew existed!

Our team of KENTON tech wizards have compiled a list of the top stands we believe are worth looking at. There’s something for everyone; more importantly, we can tell you why you should spend valuable time chatting with these teams.

We’d love to hear if we hit the spot, so make sure you drop by and tell us if you agree or highlight something we missed but should have included!

See you there!


If you wish to receive the nerdy guide to who to see in your inbox, along with other information about the Kenton Group, sign up below.

Who to Visit

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Thank you for your interest in who we think you should visit (other than us of course! :) ) 

The link below allows you to download the information.

Best Exhibitors to visit.

If you have any questions or want more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

The Kenton Group.

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