Enhanced Installation Kit for DXC5000 R2 7 slot chassis: Contains 2Alarm, BITS data, Modem Interface, F1 Interface, Diag and Ethernet cables. To be used with FTU20R2 / R3
DXC-5 Packet Optical Transport System: 7 slot- Base chassis (ET) with R2 Backplane + 5 Slot Expansion chassis with R2 Protection Backplane and Airfilters
DXC-5 Packet Optical Transport System: 7 slot Base chassis(ET) with R2 Backplane and Airfilter
Optical, Booster Amplifier, 19dBm output power, C band, -48V DC, SC connector, 1RU, Commerical Grade, 6/6
EDFA,1RU, Pre-Amplifier with 25dB rated gain 1550.12nm Fixed filter central wavelength with 0.4nm passband width; SC connector; -48V DC power supply
Optical, SFP+, XGS-PON/XGPON1, OLT, TX9.953Gbps/RX9.953Gbps and 2.488Gbps, TX1577/RX1270, ClassB+, 20Km, duplex SC, Commercial, ODN Class N1
The Kenton Group
Blue Space, Sus Con
Brunel Way
Kent, DA1 5FW
+44 (0)1322 552 000