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Actelis Networks accelerates the expansion of connected devices and systems by maximising the infrastructure already existing in the network. Their cyber and temperature hardened solutions can be deployed in just hours and save clients a tremendous amount of money on construction and engineering, enabling and extending Gigabit network connectivity even to very remote and hard to reach locations.

Global network access specialist, The Kenton Group, says innovation and partnerships are key to supporting the expansion of new networks and increasing broadband availability for consumers. This announcement comes on the opening day of the Broadband World Forum in Amsterdam, which will explore broadband as an enabler for improved services through technology and innovation.

Over the years broadband accessibility has changed from a luxury to a ‘fourth utility’ for most people as it has the potential to benefit and transform the delivery of key public services and can make a huge difference for education, business and the local economy, providing an uplift for many communities. The challenge for operators will be ensuring that they keep up network roll-outs and consumer expectations, something that can be overcome by driving innovation and creating unique partnerships.

John Larkin, Managing Director of The Kenton Group, says: “Innovative thinking is key to producing innovative technology, so businesses need to devote time to re-thinking their pricing, marketing, customer service and above all, their user experience. In today’s rapidly evolving market, the industry as a whole needs to work together as never before, and events like the Broadband World Forum provide the perfect platform to explore the broadband ecosystem.”

The Kenton Group is committed to innovation and last year announced the launch of its Broadband Enabling Technology (BET) – the UK’s, and possibly the world’s, longest reaching broadband technology. BET works by extending the signal reach from approximately 5km to 12km or more using existing copper infrastructure, thus enabling users to receive the same level of service as other households or business’s positioned closer to the exchange.

The Kenton Group has over 30 years’ experience in designing and developing network access and connection products and solutions for carriers, operators, service providers, enterprise and government. The company takes a collaborative approach to projects and has strong partnerships with key players in the industry, including the likes of RAD Data Communications, which has been a partner since 2007. More recently The Kenton Group was named largest UK Reseller Partner Contributor by Actelis following a ten year relationship that has gone from strength to strength in delivering innovative products, that have received award winning recognition from Frost and Sullivan, Heavy Reading, Infonetics Research, and TMC.

For further information contact The Kenton Group on 44 (0)1322 552 000 or visit the website at Alternatively you can keep up with industry updates by following @thekentongroup on Twitter.

About The Kenton Group

Kenton Design & Technology was established more than 30 years ago to offer research design and development of telecommunications products supporting various industry standards. Kenton Design & Technology is now part of The Kenton Group which delivers network access, demarcation and connection products and solutions for carriers, operators, service providers, enterprise and government throughout the UK and EMEA. Offering bespoke development for organisations’ unique requirements, either via its specialist in-house development team, building products to required specification or utilising best in breed technology from its partners. The Kenton Group strives to deliver access network growth through innovation and partnerships.

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